Downloadable PDF’s can be found via the links on the titles below, or via the ‘European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers’ weblink (EAGE) and/or the ‘American Society of Exploration Geophysicists’ weblink (SEG)
Mamdouh, A., Pelz, K., Bezdan, S., Angerer, E., Oteleanu, A., Granser, H., Abubakr, A, Sakharov, A., Jones, I.F., 2023. Deep structural imaging in the Vienna Basin. First Break, 41, no.12., 31-35.
Jones, I.F., 2023. Tutorial: Compressive sensing. First Break, 41, no.7., 31-40.
Jones, I.F., Calderon-Macias, C. Ong, B., Berranger, I., 2023. Tutorial: least squares migration and full waveform imaging. First Break, 41, no.3., 27 – 35.
Pearce, E., Booth, A., Rost, S., Sava, P., Konuk, T., Brisbourne, A., Hubbard,, B., Jones, I.F., 2023. A synthetic study of acoustic Full Waveform Inversion to improve seismic modelling in fern. The Annals of Glaciology,1–5,
Pearce, E., Booth, A., Rost, S., Sava, P., Konuk, T., Brisbourne, A., Hubbard,, B., Jones, I.F., 2023. Characterising Ice Slabs in Firn Using Seismic Full Waveform Inversion. The Journal of Glaciology, Journal of Glaciology. 15,
Jones, I.F., 2021. Tutorial: a geophysical perspective on machine learning. First Break, 39, no.3., 35-42.
Pavlopoulou, P. and Jones, I.F., 2020, The influence of source wavelet-estimation error in acoustic time domain full waveform inversion, First Break, 38, no. 7, 33-38.
Jones, I.F, 2019, Tutorial: Time conversion of depth migrated data: part II, TTI preSDM. First Break, 37, no. 12, 35-45
Jones, I.F, Felicio, R., Vlassopoulou, A., Hagen, C., 2019, Tutorial: tomographic Bayesian uncertainty estimation. First Break, 37, no.9, 37-48
Jones, I.F, 2019, Tutorial: The mechanics of waveform inversion. First Break, 37, no.5, 31-43.
Brittan, J., and Jones, I.F, 2019, FWI evolution – from a monolith to a toolkit, The Leading Edge, 38, no.3, 179-184.
Jones, I.F., Singh, J., Greenwood, S., Chigbo, J., Cox, P., and Hawke, C., 2018, High resolution impedance estimation using refraction and reflection FWI constraints: the Fortuna region, offshore Equatorial Guinea., First Break, 36, no 11, 39-44.
Jones, I.F., Kobylarski, M., and Brittan, J. 2017, Tutorial: RTM Image Enhancement; bad models and mad physics, First Break, 35, no 3, 31-38.
Jones, I.F, 2014, Tutorial: migration imaging conditions. First Break, 32, no.12, 45-55.
Jones, I.F, and Davison, I., 2014, Seismic imaging in and around salt bodies. SEG Interpretation, 2, no.4, SL1-SL20.
Jones, I.F, 2013, Tutorial: The seismic response to strong vertical velocity change. First Break, 31, no.6., 43-54.
Jones, I.F, 2013, Tutorial: Transforms, orthogonality, eigenvectors, and eigenvalues. First Break, 31, no.1., 51-61.
Jones, I.F, 2013, Absorption related velocity dispersion below a possible gas hydrate geobody, Geophysical Prospecting, 61, no. sup.1, 434-445.
Jones, I.F, 2012, Tutorial: Incorporating near-surface velocity anomalies in pre-stack depth migration models. First Break, 30, no.3, 47-58.
Leveille, J.P., Jones, I.F., Wang, B., Bevc, D., 2011, Special Section: Subsalt Exploration and Development – Introduction. Geophysics, 76, No. 5, WB1-WB2.
Leveille, J.P., Jones, I.F., Zhou, Z-Z., Wang, B., Liu, F., 2011, Subsalt Imaging for Exploration, Production and Development: A Review. Geophysics, 76, No. 5, WB3-WB20.
Jones, I.F, 2010, Tutorial: ray-based tomography. First Break, 28, no.2, 45-52
Williamson, P., Wang, B., Bevc, D., Jones, I.F., 2010, Full wave-equation methods for complex imaging challenges. The Leading Edge, 29, no.3, 264-268.
Jones, I.F, 2009, Tutorial: Time conversion of depth migrated data. First Break, 27, no.7, 51-55.
Jones, I. F., 2008, A modeling study of pre-processing considerations for reverse-time migration: Geophysics,. 73, No. 6; T99–T106.
Fruehn, J.K., I. F. Jones, V. Valler, P. Sangvai, A. Biswal, & M. Mathur, 2008, Resolving Near-Seabed Velocity Anomalies: Deep Water Offshore Eastern India: Geophysics, 73, No.5, VE235-VE241..
Jones, I. F., 2008, Effects of pre-processing on reverse time migration – a North Sea study: First Break, 26, no.6, 73-80.
Smith, P., I. F. Jones, D. G. King, P. Sangvai, A. Biswal, & M. Mathur, 2008, Deep Water Pre-Processing: East Coast India: First Break, 26, no.5, 101-107.
Jones, I.F., Sugrue, M.J., Hardy, P.B., 2007, Hybrid Gridded Tomography. First Break, 25, no.4, 15-21.
Stewart, P.G., Jones, I.F., Hardy, P.B., 2007, Solutions for deep water imaging, Geohorizons, January, 8-22.
Farmer, P., Jones, I.F., Zhou, H., Bloor, R., Goodwin, M.C., 2006, Application of Reverse Time Migration to Complex Imaging Problems. First Break, 24, no.9, 65-73.
Jones, I.F., 2005, Anisotropy (in: Expert Answers Q&A Section):, The Recorder,.30, no.4, 8-10.
Jones, I.F., Christensen, R., Haynes, J. Faragher, J., Novianti, I., Morris, H., Pickering, G., 2005, Multi-Disciplinary Geoscience: The ‘Brenda’ North Sea Development, The Recorder,.30, no.1, 38-43 [re-printed from the 2004 First Break article]
Sugrue, M., Jones, I.F., Evans, E., Fairhead, S., Marsden, G., 2004, Enhanced velocity estimation using gridded tomography in complex chalk, Geophysical Prospecting, 52, no.6, 683-691.
Jones, I.F., Christensen, R., Haynes, J. Faragher, J., Novianti, I., Morris, H., Pickering, G., 2004: The Brenda Field Development: a Multi-Disciplinary Approach, First Break, 22, no.6, 85-91.
Lafond, C., Jones, I.F., Bridson, M., Houllevigue, H., Kerdraon, Y., & Peliganga, J., 2003, Imaging Deep Water Salt Bodies in West Africa, The Leading Edge, 22, no.9, 893-896.
Jones, I.F., Bridson, M.L., & Bernitsas, N.X., 2003, Anisotropic Ambiguities in TI Media. First Break, 21, no.4, 31-37.
Jones, I.F., 2003, A review of 3D preSDM velocity model building techniques First Break, 21, no.3, 45-58.
Jones, I.F., Fruehn, J., 2003, Factors affecting frequency content in 3D preSDM imaging, :The Leading Edge, 22, no.2,.128-134.
Jones, I.F. & Lambaré, G. 2003, Wave equation versus ray based imaging. First Break, 21, no.2, 11-13.
Robein, E., Jones, I.F., de Bazelaire, E, 2003, High-density high-resolution seismic velocity analysis: where are we and for what benefit? First Break, 21, no.1, 12-14.
Jones, I.F. & Folstad, P.G., 2002, Continuous high resolution velocity as a 4D attribute. First Break, 20, no.11, 687-694.
Jones, I.F., Baud, H., 2001, Velocity as an attribute: continuous velocity estimation from 3D preSDM CRP gathers, First Break,: 19, no.1, 19-23.
Jones, I.F., Baud, H., Henry, B., Strachan, A. Kommedal, J., Gainski,. M., 2000, The effect of acquisition direction on 3D preSDM imaging. First Break, 18, no.9, 385-391.
Jones, I.F., Baud, H., Ibbotson,K., Audebert, F., 2000, Continuous 3D preSDM velocity analysis:The Leading Edge, 19, no.3, 263-269.
Jones, I.F., Ibbotson, K., Henry, B., Strachan, A., Baud, H., 1998, Enhancements to 3D preSDM salt-flank imaging, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 7, no.3/4, 329-346..
Jones, I.F., Ibbotson, K, Grimshaw, M., & Plasterie, P, 1998: 3D pre-stack depth migration and velocity model building; The Leading Edge, 17, no.7, 897-911. Also published in: 3-D Seismic Exploration: Ed. R.J. Graebner, B.A.Hardage, & W.A.Schneider, Soc. of Expl. Geophys. 2001, 430-438.
Jones, I.F., Diet, J.P., Guillaume, P., & Audebert, F., 1995, (invited paper) A strategic approach to 3D pre-stack depth imaging: proceedings of the 1995 spring symposium of the Geophysical Society of Tulsa, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 53-69. Also published in: Seismic Depth Estimation, Ed. W.S. Harlan, publ. Geophysical Society of Tulsa.
Hardy, R.J., Hobbs, R.W, Warner, M.R., and Jones, I.F., 1990, The reliability of multiple suppression: First Break, 8, 297-304.
Yedlin, M.J., Jones, I.F., and Narod, B.B., 1987, Application of the Karhunen- Loève transform to diffraction separation: IEEE Transactions on Speech, Acoustics, and Signal Processing, ASSP-35, 2-8.
Jones, I.F., and Levy, S., 1987, Signal-to-noise ratio enhancement in multichannel seismic data via the Karhunen-Loève transform: (invited paper) Geophysical Prospecting, 35, 12-32.
Chapman, N.R., Levy, S., Stinson, K., Jones, I.F., Oldenburg, D.W., and Prager, B.T., 1986, Inversion of sound-speed and density profiles in deep ocean sediments: Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 79, 1441-1456.
Jones, I.F., 1985, Applications of the Karhunen- Loève transformation in reflection seismology: Ph.D. Thesis, 256 pages, The University of British Columbia, Canada.
Clowes, R.M., Ellis, R.M., Hajnal, Z., and Jones, I.F., 1983, Seismic reflections from the subducting lithosphere?: Nature, 303, 668-670.
Ellis, R.M., Spence, G.D., Clowes, R.M., Waldron, D.A., Jones, I.F., Green, A.G., Forsyth, D.A., Mair, J.A., Berry, M.J., Mereu, R.F., Kanasewich, E.R., Cumming, G.L., Hajnal, Z., Hyndman, R.D., McMechan, G.A., and Loncarevic, B.D., 1983, The Vancouver Island seismic project: a CO-CRUST onshore-offshore study of a convergent margin: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 20, 719-741.
Jones, I.F., Mansinha, L., and Shen, P.Y., 1982, On the double exponential frequency-magnitude relation of earthquakes: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 72, 2373- 2375.
Jones, I.F., 1980: Aspects of global seismicity: M.Sc. thesis, University of Western Ontario, Canada.
OTHER PUBLICATIONS (non-refereed invited articles)
Jones, I., Brittan, J., Chigbo, J., Awobasivwe, G., Osolo, C. and Ukerun, P., 2020. A historical review of Earth model building. Africa Oil and Gas Report, 7.
Jones, I.F., 2018-2020: ‘Velocities, Imaging, and Waveform Inversion’ EAGE Honorary Lecture tour EET13 (presented at ~37 locations worldwide)
Jones, I.F., 2012: From Imaging to Inversion, SEG Honorary lecture tour (presented at 30 locations worldwide).
Jones, I.F., Baixas, F., Cambois, G., Manin, M., 2000, The evolution of massively parallel processes in geophysics (invited paper). Offshore Magazine. v60, no,7, pp106-109.
Henry, B., Strachan, A., Jones, I.F., Gainski, M., Kommedal, J, 1998: A multi-survey 3D pre-stack depth migration case history; World Oil, 9, 53-57.
Jones, I.F., 1996, 3D seismic imaging system for oil and gas reservoirs: final report for E.U. funded THERMIE project: contract OG 188/94 FR, Commission of the European Community, Director General for Energie, February.