Various conference abstracts: most presentations morphed into journal papers, so there are not many talks listed here, as the associated published papers are more complete
Jones, I.F., 2010: Migration problems and solutions, key-note address, SPG meeting, Hyderabad.
Jones, I.F., 2008: Non-uniqueness and ambiguity in velocity model building, key-note address, SPG meeting, Hyderabad.
Campbell, A.G., Evans, E., Judd, D., Jones, I.F., Elam, S., 2005, A Southern North Sea Multi-Survey preSDM, The 67th annual meeting of the European Association of Exploration Geophysicists.
Evans, E., Papouin, M., Abedi, S., Gauer, M, Smith, P., Jones, I.F., 2004, Southern North Sea preSDM imaging using gridded tomography, PETEX
Papouin, M., Gauer, M, Abedi, S., Evans, E., Smith, P., Jones, I.F., 2004, Carboniferous Prospectivity in the Southern North Sea, PETEX
Jones, I.F. Bridson, M.L, Folstad, P.G., Goodwin, M.C., 2002, 4D modelling and illumination. Proceedings of the 63rd Ann. Internat. Mtg. Europ. Assoc. Expl. Geophys.
Audebert, F., Diet, J. P., Guillaume, P., Jones, I. F. and Zhang, X., 1997, CRP-scans: 3-D preSDM velocity analysis via zero-offset tomographic inversion: Annual Meeting Abstracts, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 1805-1808.
Jones, I.F., Grimshaw, M., Ibbotson, K., Jolley, B., 1996, A new technique for 3D preSDM model building – a North Sea case study: The 58th annual meeting of the European Association of Exploration Geophysicists.
Jones, I.F., Diet, J.P., Guillaume, P., & Audebert, F., 1995, A strategic approach to 3D pre-stack depth imaging: The 57th annual meeting of the European Association of Exploration Geophysicists.
Diet, J.P., Jones, I.F., & Guillaume, P., 1994, Strategic seismic imaging- a stepwise approach to imaging complex structures: The joint EAEG/SEG summer workshop – “Construction of 3D macro velocity-depth models”,
Jones, I.F., Mandache, V., Campbell, S., Lancaster, S., 1994, 3D-AVO processing: evolution of a processing sequence: proceedings of the 56th annual meeting of the European Association of Exploration Geophysicists.
Jones, I.F., 1993, 3D velocity model building via iterative one-pass depth migration: proceedings of the 63rd annual meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
Jones, I.F., 1992, Comparative anatomy of 3D one-pass depth migration schemes: proceedings of the 62nd annual meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (omitted from expanded abstracts).
Doicin, D., and Jones, I.F., 1988, A rationale for attenuation compensation: proceedings of the Norwegian Petroleum Society.
Levy, S., Ulrych, T.J., Jones, I.F., and Oldenburg, D.W., 1983, Applications of complex common signal analysis in exploration seismology: proceedings of the 53rd annual meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
Ulrych, T.J., Levy, S., Oldenburg, D.W., and Jones, I.F., 1983, Applications of the Karhunen-LoƩve transformation in exploration geophysics: proceedings of the 53rd annual meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists.