

Jones, I.F., 2018, Velocities, Imaging, and Waveform Inversion (The evolution of characterizing the Earth’s subsurface), EET 13, EAGE, 234 pages.

Jones, I.F., 2015, Estimating subsurface parameter fields for seismic migration: velocity model building. Chapter in: Encyclopedia of Exploration Geophysics. SEG, pp. U1-1-U1-24. Editors: Vladimir Grechka and Kees Wapenaar.

Jones, I.F., 2010, An introduction to velocity model building, EAGE, ISBN 978-90-73781-84-9, 296 pages.

Jones, I.F., Bloor, R.I., Biondi, B., Etgen J.T., 2008, Pre-stack depth migration and velocity model building, SEG Geophysics Reprints, 25, Series Editor: Michael A. Pelissier, 840 pages

Pelissier, M.A., Hoeber, H., van de Coevering, N., Jones, I.F., 2007, Classics of Elastic Wave Theory, SEG Geophysics Reprints, 24, Series Editor: Daniel A. Ebrom, 534 pages.

Jones, I.F., Ibbotson, K, Grimshaw, M., & Plasterie, P, 1998: 3D pre-stack depth migration and velocity model building; The Leading Edge, 17, no.7, 897-911. Also published in: 3-D Seismic Exploration: Ed. R.J. Graebner, B.A.Hardage, & W.A.Schneider,  Soc. of Expl. Geophys. 2001, 430-438.

Jones, I.F., Diet, J.P., Guillaume, P., & Audebert, F., 1995, A strategic approach to 3D pre-stack depth imaging: proceedings of the 1995 spring symposium of the Geophysical Society of Tulsa, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 53-69. Also published in: Seismic Depth Estimation, Ed. W.S. Harlan, publ. Geophysical Society of Tulsa.